Apply now
to study at EQUALS

International applicants

Before you apply

It is very important that you carefully read the information in the Student Handbook before applying. You must also read the information below before applying. To avoid delays, please ensure that you have provided all required information with your application. Incomplete applications may not be considered.

Required Information

Check that you satisfy Entry Requirements. This includes both academic and English language requirements.

You must also remember to complete and submit all evidence with your application, including:

  • Proof of Residency/Visa Status (if not born in Australia)
  • Copy of Photo ID (drivers license, proof of age card, passport)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate, Medicare Card or other secondary evidence of identity
  • Health Questionnaire (included in Application form)
  • DCSI Check Application or National Police Clearance (for certain programs)

Unique Student Identifier

Have you applied for your USI? It is an Australian government requirement that all students have a Unique Student Identifier. If you do not already have one, you can obtain your USI here.

Apply now using online form

The application process

STEP 1: Ensure you have met the entry requirements and gathered the required information (as listed above).

STEP 2: Submit Your Application


We will be in touch as soon as possible regarding your application. It is important that your application is complete to ensure that we can process it quickly.

After applying

Once your application has been received you can typically expect to be contacted regarding your application within 48 hours. Please read the Student Handbook prior to the meeting. If you are under 18 years of age then a Guardian or Parent will need to attend the meeting.

At the meeting you may be required to complete a Health & Skills Questionnaire. The content and activities of the course and any incidental expenses or fees and charges will be explained, including key policies and procedures that relate to your enrolment, as well as general suitability and eligibility for the course.