Recognition Pathways

Credit Transfer

VET Applicants and students are eligible to apply for credit transfer (or national recognition).  EQUALS recognises qualifications and Statements of Attainments issued by other education providers.

Credit transfer allows the unit of competency previously achieved to be recognised when you are enrolling in another course. It is important to remember that national recognition is not Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).  For information about RPL, please see the section below.

Please note that the authenticity of credentials you provide us will be verified with the relevant education provider.

Access our Credit Transfer (National Recognition) Policy and Procedure.

Please lodge a support ticket or reach out to our Student Services staff.

Want to learn more about applying for Credit Transfer? Watch the video below for helpful information.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that assesses your competency. These competencies may be acquired through formal as well as informal learning.  The RPL assessment process helps to determine whether you meet the requirements for a unit of competency.

Remember that you can use a range of evidence to support your application for RPL.  This might include records of previously completed training, assessment items and records and declarations from your employer/s.

Please note that the authenticity of credentials you provide us will be verified with the relevant education provider.

Please lodge a support ticket or reach out to our Student Services staff.

Access our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure.

Want to learn more about RPL?  

The video below provides a helpful introduction to RPL and may be useful to individuals considering an application.

Our second video (below) provides helpful information for applicants wishing to complete the RPL toolkit.

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