Sexual Harassment and Assault

Sexual Harrassment and Assault

As part of a safe EQUALS community, we all have the right to respect and the right to speak and act for our own wellbeing.

EQUALS is committed to creating a healthy, safe and respectful environment; one that genuinely celebrates the rich diversity of our community of students and staff.

This means we strive to ensure our learning environments are free from bullying, discrimination, harassment and sexual violence.

If you, or someone you know, has been affected by an incident of sexual assault or harassment, support is available.

Understanding Gender Based Violence

Gender-based violence is deeply rooted in gender inequality, and continues to be one of the most notable human rights violations around the world. Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of their gender.

Both women and men experience gender-based violence but the majority of victims are women and girls.

Violence against women is the most common form of gender based violence in Australia. It includes physical and sexual violence and is a serious and widespread problem in Australia and it is preventable.

To prevent violence against women we need to understand it. Our Watch is a national leader in the prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. Learn more at the Our Watch website.

How do we all contribute to safety, inclusion and respect at EQUALS?

EQUALS takes a strong stance on ensuring the principles of equality, diversity, unity, fairness and inclusion are present throughout our campus community. This includes how we talk to each other, how we act towards each other and how we interact with everyone around us.

The things we say and do all play a part in shaping a safe and positive environment where we can all experience respect and meaningful learning experiences. This means we all have a responsibility to each other.

Safety is a shared responsibility, and EQUALS proudly embraces a respectful culture that we all participate in. So, how do we all contribute? EQUALS’ staff and students are expected to work together when it comes to building a safe, positive environment. This means being ethical and aware, listening to each other, being understanding and always acting with respect and empathy. Ask yourself: how would I feel if that were me?

All staff and students should feel supported, safe, secure respected and heard. At EQUALS we are committed to maintaining a positive and empowering environment, free from sexual harassment, sexual assault and violence of any kind.

Our Student Partnership Agreement can be viewed here.

Reporting Sexual Harassment and/or Sexual Assault

This online report form can be used by EQUALS students and staff to report an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment. It may also be used by someone who has witnessed an incident or is a support person for someone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Please note that if you are reporting on behalf of another person, you must have their consent before you do so.

Complaints of sexual assault and sexual harassment are directed to the Campus Coordinator, whether the incident relates to a student, a staff member, or a visitor to our campus.

Understanding Sexual Harassment. What is it?​

Sexual harassment can occur in a number of ways depending on the situation and the context. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome or uninvited sexual advance that a person does not initiate, like or reciprocate. Unwelcome contact can be experienced by any individual and can include spoken or written words, pictures or actions.

Sexual harassment may include some of the following:

  • Commenting on a person’s appearance or attractiveness.
  • Asking a person information about their relationship, sexual activity, sexual behaviours or sexual history.
  • Sending emails or texts of a sexual nature.
  • Showing a person pornographic pictures e.g. on a phone or computer.
  • Unnecessarily touching the person including unwelcomed kissing.

What is Sexual Assault?

Like sexual harassment, sexual assault can also take occur in a number of ways. Sexual Assault is any unwelcome sexual behaviour that makes a person feel intimidated, scared, uncomfortable, unsafe, hurt or threatened.

Sexual assault includes:

  • Rape: forced and unwanted sexual activity.
  • Child sexual abuse: using power over a child to involve that child in sexual activity.
  • Indecent assault: indecent behaviour before, during or after an assault.

What does sexual consent mean?

We all have rights AND responsibilities when it comes to sex or engaging in sexual activity.

This means having the right to freely decide when, who with and what situation we chose to engage in sexual activity.

We also do not have the right to be sexual with someone that does not want to participate or reciprocate sexual activity – this also includes uncertainty from the other person.

We are each responsible for making sure that all people involved want to be involved and actively agree to participate in sexual activity.

Sexual consent means each person wants to do it. It means freely agreeing to be involved in any form of sex.

Consent means each person WANTS to do it. No one should ever feel pressured, forced or manipulated into sexual activity of any kind. This includes being too drunk or intoxicated to decide – this is not consent.

Actions and words are both important. Just because someone doesn’t openly verbalise their lack of consent it does not mean it is okay, especially if they appear hesitant or uncomfortable.

Communicate, always be sure you are on the same page and want the same things.

What to do if you feel unsafe, experience sexual harassment or experience sexual violence?

Dealing with sexual harassment often comes with many mixed emotions and can be extremely overwhelming, frightening and even isolating.

If you find yourself in any situation where you are left feeling uncomfortable, hurt or threatened from unwanted sexual behaviour, it is important to reach out.

At EQUALS there is zero tolerance towards sexual harassment or violence of any kind. It is strongly encouraged that any sexual harassment is reported as soon as possible.

His is often a positive first step for ending the behaviour and even preventing it from happening to someone else. EQUALS offers a range of support to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all staff and students.

EQUALS Sexual Harassment Contact Officers are available and provide a safe and confidential environment if you wish to make a complaint.

To further support students in times of crisis or guidance, Student Counselling is also available.

Student Services: 54 Currie Street

If you would like to book a confidential meeting with a Student Counsellor, please complete the appointment form online.

To report an incidence of sexual harassment or sexual assault, EQUALS students and staff may complete this online report form.

It may also be used by someone who has witnessed an incident or is a support person for someone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Individuals may also choose to report incidence of sexual harassment or sexual assault to Yarrow Place.

External Support Resources

Yarrow Place

Yarrow Place is the lead public health agency responding to rape and sexual assault in South Australia. Yarrow Place is a part of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network. A community service with a statewide mandate, Yarrow Place focuses to:

  • provide services to people who have been raped or sexually assaulted.
  • provide a lead agency role in South Australia, which includes advocacy in relation to public policy development, planning and service delivery in the area of sexual violence against adults.
  • build community capacity to respond to and prevent sexual assault through training and education.

To access a free and confidential service, please call us.

Phone during office hours: (08) 8226 8777

After hours: (08) 8226 8787

Toll-free in SA: 1800 817 421

Street address: Level 2, 55 King William Road, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006


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