Health & Nursing Courses

HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing

78 to 91 weeks

On Campus | Blended

Government Subsidised: $12500 $33900
Domestic Students
International Students
  • 2525 Course Units
  • Subsidised Training
  • Qual Code: HLT54121
  • Qual Code: HLT54121
  • CRICOS Course Code: 111286B

Do you have a genuine passion for health and a desire to care for others? EQUALS’ HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing could be the perfect start to your nursing career!

Health Workforce Australia’s workforce projections show that demand for nurses will significantly exceed supply.  With a projected shortfall of 123,000 nurses across Australia by 2030, the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing offers a nationally recognised qualification that enables graduates to register as an Enrolled Nurse with Ahpra.

At EQUALS we offer two innovative delivery modes for the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing, providing you with the flexibility to choose the right study mode for your situation.   EQUALS’ Study Mode A offers a campus-based delivery model over 78 weeks.  This study mode is suitable for international and domestic students looking for a standard delivery mode with attendance on campus most weeks during the study period.

Alternatively, our Study Mode B offers domestic students flexibility with blended online delivery and campus based intensive learning.  Study Mode B is particularly designed for students living in regional and rural locations, and those who need more flexibility to learn in a blended format.

Irrespective of your study mode, as a nursing student at EQUALS you have access to a supportive learning environment where care and attention is given to your individual circumstances. Credit or recognition for previous nursing or health experience may apply for eligible students.

EQUALS’ Diploma of Nursing graduates benefit from quality employment pathways.  As a graduate, you can build on your Diploma by continuing onto the HLT64121 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Mental health) or undergraduate university studies at a number of Australian universities.  EQUALS’ Diploma of Nursing course will provide 12 months credit at most undergraduate nursing degrees (subject to approval).

The Enrolled Nurse (EN) works with the Registered Nurse (RN) as part of the health care team and demonstrates competence in the provision of person-centred care. Core practice generally requires the Enrolled Nurse to work under the direct or indirect supervision of the Registered Nurse. At all times, the Enrolled Nurse retains responsibility for their actions and remains accountable in providing delegated nursing care (NMBA Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice 2016).

Students undertaking a HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing will be registered with the Ahpra student register.

For other course information, please read our HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing Course Handbook.  General information can also be found in our Student Handbook.

Why Choose This Course?

EQUALS is committed to supporting all individuals to develop their human potential. Our students reflect diverse cultural, linguistic and career and life experiences. They are people who:

  • are between 18 and 64 years of age
  • have a range of academic backgrounds
  • have experienced a wide range of work and life experiences
  • are Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
  • are from culturally and linguistically diverse groups
  • have diverse abilities

We encourage and celebrate the breadth of diversity represented in our Institute.

For over 30 years EQUALS has built a reputation for excellence in industry. Our Nursing and Health Graduates enjoy excellent career and higher learning opportunities.

Our Institute offers a unique level of personal service and customised support. Our friendly team is committed to helping you achieve your goals.

With a strong focus on developing skills & attitudes towards excellent nursing practice, this course seeks to provide a balanced approach to learning within a supportive adult learning environment.

We deliver the Diploma of Nursing HLT54121 as a face to face/on-campus course. In the classroom, we focus on teaching students the practical skills and knowledge needed to work safely and effectively as Enrolled Nurses, including the development of professional competencies in provision of care; professional and collaborative practice; and reflective and analytical practice. Students also develop professional skills in verbal and non-verbal communication; cultural competence; problem-solving; and work readiness.

EQUALS also has dedicated Clinical Skills Laboratories, equipped with current workplace resources and technology. Students will participate in Clinical Laboratory sessions throughout their study and be continually assessed in the simulated environment as well as during integrated professional practice placements.

Out of the classroom, all students have access to learning and assessment materials via our online learning platform and required textbooks. Interactive learning and self-paced study and review underpin classroom learning and we provide full and ongoing support and training to all students in order to develop their competence in engaging with information technology for learning and work. For specific IT requirements, please refer to our Pre-Admission Student Handbook.

Entry Requirements

EQUALS is committed to supporting applicants into the course of study that will best suit their goals, needs and abilities.  For the best opportunity for success, EQUALS requires applicants for the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing are 18 years or over at the time of application and have successfully completed:

  • Year 12 or equivalent; and/or
  • an Australian Certificate III or higher qualification (or equivalent)

All applicants must also demonstrate adequate English language skills and numeracy skills to communicate safely and effectively in the health care environments. Domestic applicants will be required to demonstrate adequate literacy and numeracy skills at pre-admission interviews through formal assessment.

Applicants of the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing are required to demonstrate English Language Skills requirements in line with the NMBA English Language Skills Registration Standard and the ANMAC Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards. View the English Language Entry Skill Requirements.

Students are required to maintain valid evidence of the following throughout their enrolment:

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid certificate
  • Vaccination evidence (including Covid-19 vaccinations)
  • Department of Communities & Social Inclusion (DCSI) Screening Checks for working with Vulnerable People, with Children, and in the Aged Care Sector

All applicants are required to confirm their Physical Fitness for this course.

English Requirements

Applicants for the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing are required to meet the English Language Entry Skill Requirements.

Career Pathways

Further Pathways

Graduates of the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing may be eligible to apply for AHPRA registration as an Enrolled Nurse.

Further Study


Course Structure

Study Units

Please access our HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing Course Handbook for unit information.

Delivery Format

EQUALS’ HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing is offered in two study modes.

Study Mode A (Domestic and International Students): On Campus theoretical delivery, on campus practical/simulation, Structured Study Time, and Work Integrated Learning in industry. This course mode also requires self-paced study time which can be undertaken either on campus or offsite.

Study Mode B (Domestic students only): Blended delivery. Theoretical delivery via synchronous and asynchronous online learning, on campus intensive practical/simulation weeks, and Work Integrated Learning in industry. This course mode also requires self-paced study time which can be undertaken either on campus or offsite.

Access our HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing Course Handbook for additional delivery information.

Work Integrated Learning (Placement)

Students participate in a minimum of 400 hours of structured Work Integrated Learning where skills, knowledge and attitudes are developed as you work towards developing your nursing practice.

In addition to Entry Requirements, students will be required to:

  • Comply with uniform requirements including but not limited to no jewellery (with the exception of a plain wedding band), bare below elbows, long hair tied back
  • Undertake a N95 fit-check at their own cost (if required).

Fees and Funding Options

Government Subsidised Training for Domestic Students

As a domestic student, you may be eligible for government subsidised training, check your eligibility here.

Tuition Fee$20,000
Government Subsidised Training Fee$12500
Work Integrated Learning Fee$4900
Amenities Fee$350
VET Loan Cap$18,838
Tuition Fee$33,900
Work Integrated Learning Fee$4,900
Student Services Fee$250
Amenities Fee$350

Credit Transfer

Credit for Prior Learning


National Recognition (Credit Transfer) and Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have related prior education and experiences, you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Please follow this link for more information on applying for Recognition of Prior Learning. If you have successfully completed units of competency from this qualification previously, you may be eligible for National Recognition, please follow this link for more information on National Recognition (Credit Transfer).

Graduate Attributes

EQUALS is dedicated to developing our Graduate Attributes in all our students. They encapsulate, in very succinct form, the full breadth of our virtues and spiritual principles and are core to the spirit and work of EQUALS.  Our Graduate Attributes express our vision and mission, and they are focused on you, our students.

Learn more about our Graduate Attributes.